Numbers one through ten should be coffee. This is not because I can't stay awake, but rather because I now live in a city that has a deep respect for the coffee bean and has a kavárna (coffee shop) on every corner. And it's just so good!
I'm almost a pro at the public transportation thing, if being a pro means knowing which stop is yours and also knowing when to move for the elderly folks. I've only tripped a couple of times getting on and off in a rush of people and I haven't even come close to getting hit by one. That's a pro in my book.
Scarves. You must wear a scarf. I have learned this lesson quickly. Never leave home without a scarf. And when you do, like I did today, it will start drizzling and you'll wish you could cover your head. Like I said, lesson learned.
The magic of the internet allows me to watch some US television while I'm abroad, thank you,
Hulu. The downside to this is the commercials. Not because you have to watch two minutes of ads, but because they promote Reese's and those are rare here. Thanks, Hulu. Now I need some peanut butter/chocolatey goodness!
I'm really enjoying teaching. I have students that are ready to learn and make my job easier. It's an interesting position to be in, teaching a language and learning one at the same time. It really helps me remember how my students are feeling when they give me a blank look. I'm an expert at the blank look.
I could go on, but my sarcasm needs a rest. I am truly enjoying myself here. I have learned so much and have so much more to learn.