Picture this....
A responsible, detailed, organized girl planning out her new future. Mostly excited, a little stressed. Equal parts happy and sad. All of a sudden our girl has a lovely couple who want to rent her house much earlier than she expected. While she knows this is an answer to many prayers, she freaks out. There's so much to do! Projects, packing, moving sale, paperwork, packing and more packing. All the while, working full time and trying to enjoy her favorite thing: Michigan summers.
With a lot of help from family and friends, she realizes that this can be done. She takes a deep breath and remembers to thank God for this answer to pray because, like all things in God's timing, it is much better than expected.
What God has taught me in all of this is that He knows best. He also provides when I need it. Many people have offered help as I move from my beloved home a month sooner that I thought. Once again I am reminded that I am not alone and I am so very thankful.